
  • Bereich unterhalb der Gleichgewichtslinie eines Gletschers, in dem die Ablation die Akkumulation überwiegt und damit über das Massenhaushaltsjahr gesehen Massenverlust des Gletschers stattfindet.
  • Area above the equilibrium line of a glacier, in which the accumulation outweighs the ablation and thus the mass of the glacier increases over the mass balance year
  • – Designation for the boundary line between areas of positive (feeding area) and negative mass balance (feeding area). In temperate glaciers, the equilibrium line roughly corresponds to the firn line, whereas in cold glaciers, frozen ice formed from meltwater is additionally reflected in the mass balance and the equilibrium line shifts away from the firn line in the direction of the depletion area.

– large-scale valid comparison snow line, which results from the average of all real snow lines in a region, apart from local climatic peculiarities.

see Ablation area

  • Material is transported on the glacier surface
  • mostly semi-circular, more or less clearly visible outlet at the end of the glacier tongue, through which the melt water of a glacier runs off.
  • Material transported and deposited by the ice
  • Largely unsorted, unstratified mixture of different particle sizes. The fine material is referred to as boulder clay or boulder marl, the coarse component as boulder. The material is either absorbed by the ice, on the subsoil (especially from the ice cap) and on the sides through detersion, detraction or exaration, or it reaches the glacier surface through rockfalls or avalanches (especially in glaciers in high mountains).
  • Depending on the position on or in the ice, a distinction can be made between: upper moraine, medial moraine, lower moraine, inner moraine, lateral moraine, ground moraine and terminal moraine

see Accumulation area

  • real permanent snow line
  • long-term average of the late summer peak of the temporary snow line. It can therefore not be observed immediately and in the short term. Their altitude is highly dependent on the terrain (sunny slope-shady slope, thickness of the snow deposits, differences in vegetation). It corresponds to the long-term mean of the equilibrium limit of the mass budget between the feeding and depletion area of the respective glacier orographic snow line
  • Layered accumulation of loose material
  • Material is transported on the glacier surface
  • Material is transported at the glacier base
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