Here you can find all experiments of the project.
Water, Snow and Ice
Conductivity of Water and Ice
Determination of the conductivity of water, ice, snow and meltwater.
Acid Rock Drainage
Model experiment on the acidification of mountain streams by pyrite.
Heavy Metals in Glacier Rivers and Mountain Streams
Model experiment for the detection of heavy metals in mountain streams.
Detecting Heavy metals by photometric measurement
Experiment 1: Production of an acidic solution by contact of water with pyrite Material:BeakerGlass rod or spoonPyrite pebblesDistilled waterFor the following experiment, we will first prepare an acidic water sample. To do this, we proceed as in the experiment "Acid
Pioneer plants
Pioneer Species
Examination of the calcareous glands in a pioneer plant ...
Glacier crevasses
Formation of crevasses
Find out more about the movement of glaciers and crevasses.
Black and White
Collecting and drying Cryoconite
Information on collecting and drying cryoconite ...
Analyzing kryoconite
Find out more about the dark spots on glaciers ...
Black Ice in the sun
Black Ice in the Sun ...
Hot Stone, Cold Ice
Measurement of Light Intensity and Reflexion of Light
Measuring the light intensity when reflecting sunlight ...
Taking pictures with a thermal imaging camera
Observe white and dark snow with the thermal imaging camera ...
Other Xperiments
Colored stones and the cause of the color
Analyzing coloured stone why they are colourful ...